Careers and Aspirations
Careers information, advice and guidance.
Careers Education is taught within the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education curriculum from Year 7. From Year 9, these sessions involve the school’s Careers Advisor (Adba Shah from Prospects) and students begin to identify possible progression routes through Key Stage 4 and beyond. Close links exist between school and local colleges to support students in their transition to further education.
Corley Academy careers education programme provides our students with the opportunity to plan and manage their careers effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. It promotes equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes. It is designed to meet the Gatsby benchmarks and conforms to statutory requirements.
Our careers policy is attached below for further information.
Year 11 students have their own weekly themes which relate to their personal progress towards a career, and we will often have visitors to come in to speak to the students about that week's theme.
At Key Stage 5, students in Post 16 complete three days a week in school and 2 days a week on arranged work experience placements. Students work towards qualifications in ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness and Employability.
Our weekly themes for Autumn